Last modified: 2019-08-28
According to Basic Health Research 2018, the prevalence rate of cancer in Indonesia reached at 1.79 per 1000 people, it increased by 1.4 per 1000 people in 2013. Cervical cancer is the second highest number of cancer in women at 23,4 per 100.000 people with the average mortality of 13,9 per 100.000 people. This increasing number continues to rise every year, thus, the government should do several actions, one of them is that Pap Smear method. However, many women of child bearing age have not known this disease and the method of Pap Smear. The objective of this research is that to look at the relation between the perception of women of child bearing age of cervical cancer and their motivation to have pap smear test at the Prodia Laboratory in Banjarmasin. This study employed a cross sectional method with a consecutive sampling technique that involved 52 women of child bearing age who had a Pap Smear test at Prodia Laboratory. The univariate analysis was used to look at the distribution of frequency of educational levels, age, the number of children, and occupations whereas bivariate analysis used chi-square. The result showed the p value of 0.0021 (p<0.05), Prevalence Ratio of 3.24 ; CI 95% 1.37 – 7.60, this means that there is a correlation between the perception of women of child bearing age of cervical cancer and their motivation to have pap smear tests at Prodia laboratory in Banjarmasin.
Keywords: cervical cancer, motivation, Pap Smear, perception