Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Nurses Competence and Hemodialysis Adequacy Achievementet
irma hermalia, Krisna Yetti, Muhamad Adam

Last modified: 2019-08-28


Hemodialysis adequacy achievement is one of the quality indicators of hemodialysis care. Nurses as the primary caregivers to hemodialysis patients have an essential role in achieving hemodialysis adequacy. This research aims to identify the relationship between nurses competence and the achievement of hemodialysis adequacy in Bandung. The research design was correlation analytical with a cross-sectional method, which involved 82 hemodialysis nurses and 82 hemodialysis patients. Sample aggregation was conducted by purposive sampling. The data were analyzed by chi-square and logistic regression. There was a relationship between nurses competence and hemodialysis adequacy achievement (p=0.000). Factors which influence hemodialysis adequacy achievement are competence, gender, education level, and the nurses working experience in hospitals. This research recommends that nurses in hemodialysis unit should be improve their knowledge, attitude, and skills in providing nursing care.