Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Rismia Agustina

Last modified: 2019-08-28


Introduction: Hemodialysis is the most commmonly used kidney replacement therapy for patients with chronic kidney disease in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. This procedure is typically carried out two times per week. Hemodialysis therapy in patients with chronic renal failure may cause various kinds of problems. The aim of this study was to identify nursing diagnoses in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis at Ulin General Hospital of Banjarmasin, Indonesia.

Method: This was an exploratory study with cross sectional design. 75 respondents were taken using total sampling. Data were collected with interview form and physical assessment. The establishment of nursing diagnoses used the taxonomy of NANDA-I.

Results: The results showed that the majority profile of respondents were female (60%), unemployed (52%), in the age range of 22-54 years (44%), had senior high school diploma as their last level of education (80%), had been undergoing hemodialysis for more than 2 years (98.7%), had diabetes mellitus (37.1%) and hypertension (34.3%) in history. 10 nursing diagnoses were identified: fluid volume excess (29.9%), acute pain and ineffective breathing pattern; respectively (12.1%), ineffective therapeutic regimen management and readiness for enhanced health management; respectively (10.3%).

Conclusion: The main nursing diagnoses revolve the more frequent risks that may expose patients undergoing hemodialysis. Consideration of making specific nursing interventions are needed to prevent related complications and promote better quality of life.

Keywords: nursing diagnosis, chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis