Last modified: 2019-08-27
Herniyatun1, Andrijono2, Yati Afiyanti3, Ridwan Lubis4
Various problems arise in cervical cancer patients from being diagnosed to completion of treatment. Problems with cervical cancer include physical, psychological, social, spiritual and sexual problems. Various problems in cervical cancer will provide complexity to individuals, families and society. The maternity nurse in providing nursing interventions needs whole human handling, not only in the illness area.
This study aims to explore the various problems experienced by cervical cancer patients to find out at the spiritual dimension as one of the important things experienced.
This research is a descriptive qualitative study using phenomenology. There were found seven themes in this research, namely; 1) Physical, psychological and spiritual changes, 2). Social, financial and sexual problems, 3) Spiritual Koping, 4) future expectations, 5). Family support, 6). Self-awareness of death, 7). Spiritual wellbeing.
The role of maternity nursing is very important to help overcome problems that arise in cervical cancer patient. Spirituality gives a meaning of life, comfort and peace, and is an important resource for managing women with cervical cancer. Spiritual nursing care is holistic nursing care because the spiritual dimension will be related to physical, psychological, and social dimensions. Fulfilment of spiritual needs will accelerate the treatment of the patient. Spiritual needs are needs that prioritize satisfaction, hope, and grateful to God. Patients who are satisfied, hopeful and grateful for their condition will be enthusiastic in their treatment and in this case, of course, will accelerate the treatment.
Keywords: holistic, spiritual dimension, maternity nursing