Last modified: 2019-09-11
The research methodology used in this study is to use a quantitative research methodology, the design of this study uses a cross sectional approach. Based on the results of research conducted at Rajeg Asri Housing RT 05 RW 01 in 2018, it shows the results of univariate analysis that the frequency distribution of the age obtained by the age of 30-50 years is 59 respondents (81.9%). Gender frequency distribution in women got 44 respondents (61.1%). The frequency distribution of hypertension is normal with 50 respondents (69.4%). Bivariate analysis between the relationship of age and the incidence of hypertension obtained P-value of 0.001 and between the relationship of age with the incidence of hypertension obtained P-value of 0.038, from both of these points showed that the P-value <α value is 0.05, it can be concluded there is a significant relationship between the relationship between age and sex with the incidence of hypertension at Rajeg Asri Housing RT 05 RW 01. The conclusion of this study is that most of the respondents in the age 30-50 years have a normal scale with 78%, 61.1% of respondents in this research, women and normal scale dominated 69.4% of respondents. Suggestions for the community are that researchers hope that people> 30 years of age maintain their life patterns to control alcohol consumption, caffeine and stop smoking, even exercise routines.