Last modified: 2019-08-30
Objectives: One of the health problems faced by survivors of gynecological cancer is the occurrence of reculence which is one of the most important psychological problems. The purpose of this study explores in the deep perception of fear of recurrence of women survivors of cancer gynecology.
Methods: This study is a descriptive qualitative study. Participants in this study were taken through purposive sampling method involving 10 participants based on the specified inclusion criteria. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews. This research was conducted in four months in one of the referral hospitals in Jakarta.
Results: This study revealed two themes, namely factors that triggered the fear of relapsing and the responses. The first theme came with two sub-themes, namely the family aspect and the source of information. The second theme came with four sub-themes, i.e. of anxious thoughts, fear of relapsing lead by screening examinations, fear of activity disturbances and fear of relapse after completion of cancer treatment therapy.
Conculsion: Survivors of gynecological cancer have various trigger factors for relapsing fears as well as various responses that affect their psychological. It is hoped that health services for cancer survivors will cover all phases of treatment, including after completing treatment.
Kata kunci: Cancer survivors, trigger factors, fear of recurrence