Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Utilization of Dental Service in National Health Insurance (JKN) Era at Lagoa Primary Health Care North Jakarta 2014-2016
Karmellia Nikke Darnesti, Prastuti Soewondo

Last modified: 2019-09-11


Background: Riskesdas 2013 stated that the percentage of dental problems in Jakarta increased from 23% to 29.1% with effective medical demand only 9.1%, whereas most of primary health care in Jakarta have complete dental equipment. Nasional Health Insurance Program, known as JKN, guarantees the costs of maintaining and fulfilling basic health needs so that can improve the utilization of dental services.

Objective: To know the utilization of dental service in primary health care during the three years of implementation of the National Health Insurance Program.

Method: This study used cross sectional design with secondary data collected in 2014-2016 at Lagoa Primary Health Care, North Jakarta, which analyzed by univariate.

Result: The results showed that trends in dental patient visits increased and dominated by adult patients (68,8%) who increased from 25.2% to 38.6% with the highest number of cases were pulp and periapical (48.0%) which the trend also increased from 22.3% to 38.7%. Cases of dental abscesses, that is continuation of dental caries and pulp periapical abnormalities that are not treated, declined from 43.8% to 24.7%. Composite resin filling, mummification, scaling, and permanent tooth extraction have a major increase with the highest number of treatments for three years is medical prescription.

Conclusion: There is an increasing utilization of dental services which is accompanied by increased awareness to maintain oral health so that people can immediately make treatment to prevent the disease from worsening.