Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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The Importance of Waste Management Knowledge to Encourage Household Waste-Sorting Behavior in Small Island (Study Penyengat Island)
ZAINUL IKHWAN, R.Hamdani Harahap, Lita Sri Andayani, Miswar Budi Mulya

Last modified: 2019-09-30


Waste sorting behavior in Small Island is still low and becomes the reason of the government policy enactment about recycling programed unfortunately only small of it works regularly and not in Small Island. The main problem of recycling in waste is the households doesn’t have waste separation behavior, thus all the solid waste gets mixed. Design of study is a cross-sectional. The study used logistic regression test. Variables related to waste sorting behavior were knowledge about managing household waste, environmental value, and demography variables. Waste sorting behavior at the household level in Penyengat island is only 2,59% with waste management knowledge, which relates to waste sorting behavior as the dominant factor (p<0.05). Community participation is lacking, dispose of marine waste or burned. There is no assistance in management activities that have been carried out, there are no regulations related to waste management, there is no organized effort to move waste, increasing population will produce waste increase and variety. Increasing understanding and sense of need and waste management facilities can improve sustainable sorting behavior. Based on population composition and constraints, the right strategy for managing waste on this island is preventive handling, plastic recycling, organizing, subsidizing the cost of transporting waste using ships by village funds, mentoring activities and composting, supervision


Household solid waste; Waste separation; recycling behavior