Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Violence Against Indigenous Common Sense: Rethinking the problematic of translating the indignity common sense ontology by representative of state agency at Koroway’s community landscape, Southern Papua
Irfan Nugraha

Last modified: 2019-08-14


The recent predominantly focus on considering “social-cultural-ecology” aspect within most representatives of state engagement in Indonesia within local communities that employed in the name of “persevering nature, developing communities,” I argue the exercise of such violence was deliberated at the moment of translating indignity perception on “what is and how is the relations with nature.” Based my fieldwork at Koroway community who rely on foraging and hunting activities, I found out the effort in inducting “emic lesson learned” and “local participatory” in order to minimize the asymmetrical power relations in the process of collecting and formulating data faces the problem when translating it into the “research outputs” (paperwork, planning, modelling, and budgeting). For the representative state agency, the translation is not simple as recording and adjusting the local categorize on nature or what echoed by Simon Schama “landscapes are culture before they are nature; constructs of the imagi onto wood, water and rock.” The translating tied up with set of rules, values and ontology in the sense of liberal market economy that not neglecting the ways of life of Indigenous, but in some extent exposed to the possibility of occupying the indignity common sense ontology, as reflected in the result of how the indignity trying to suit in their “culture” into the projection of state’s model. In the last, I argue,  this un-equality situation was not dominantly (re)produce by the representative state’s actor/agency, but translating mechanism itself preserve the violence against the indignity in the term of the ability of powerful actors to obscure their own violence (Springer, 2016).



Violence and state-engagement, translation and translating, common sense ontology, Koroway