Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Analysis of environmental sensitivity index at karas area, fakfak regency, west papua province
Rahayu Kusuma Risdianto

Last modified: 2019-08-29


As a highly productive and dynamic ecosystem, development in coastal and marine areas often creates conflicts between interests, including oil and gas industry activities. One strategy to anticipate the effect of oil spills on the environment in coastal areas is carried out through an analysis of the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI). The study location is in the coastal area and waters of the Karas District, Fakfak Regency, West Papua The purpose of the study is to determine the priority of areas that are sensitive to oil spills. This method is carried out through scoring each unit of land for vulnerability, conservation and social values. ESI Analysis is carried out through geographic information systems and classified into 5 classes of sensitivity levels. The land use classification was carried out through satellite imagery and field surveys conducted in December 2018. The results of the analysis showed that most (51%) were categorized as insensitive, sensitive low 24%, very sensitive 15%, moderately sensitive 6% and sensitive 4%. Although most are not sensitive, environmental protection must be carried out for sustainable development


enviromental sensitivity index, oil spills, Karas, Fakfak