Last modified: 2019-09-30
Author: Ivan Syamsurizal1, Mufti P. Patria2, Raldi H.S. Koestoer3, and Djoko Harmantyo4
Semarang is a coastal city in Indonesia that is often faced with the problem of flood rob. Some studies have stated that this condition is caused by seawater rise and land subsidence. The resulting solution is more geared towards on how a partial adaptation effort suits the disaster conditions that occur. This research will explore the basic problem that drives disaster in Semarang, especially in its coastal area. Analysing the process of the city's physical formation and conducting a quantitative analysis of city spatial utilization which is then interpreted through GIS analysis, can be found that the main problem of Rob in Semarang is not clearly caused by the seawater rise factor but more by the land subsidence factor. In addition to the high activity, the land subsidence is also caused by the soil factor that is the result of sedimentation from the shifting coastline of Semarang that shifted 9 Km from the 15th century to the present in the 21st century. This research proves that the problem of Rob in Semarang is defined to on how the sea claimed its territory than as a disaster. The results of GIS analysis show that Rob's exposure tends to follow the line of coastline evolution. The human activity factor gives the effect to accelerate a backward the coastline evolution, which is seen as a Rob disaster. Capitalising Kota Lama Semarang and historical area as the city resilience factor is considerably effective, because the analysis shows that this area make a resilience index of 0.27 from the city resilience of Semarang as overall.
Model, coastal, land subsidence, Kota Lama/historical area, and Resilience