Last modified: 2019-08-14
The purpose of this article is to analyze the group dynamics that occur in the housewife community of the empowerment program which calls itself "Ibu Hebat" who lives in Sawangan Baru, Depok, Indonesia. One dimension of group dynamics that must be considered and given the greatest attention is the conflict that occurs within the community. Conflict becomes important to be considered and well managed because it can bring out an impact that can be both positive and negative towards the performance of the community. The data collection technique used in this study is a qualitative method by conducting a focus group discussion that used to analyze what types of conflicts that arise in group dynamics of the “Ibu Hebat” community. Quantitative methods are also used ito measure intention variables in conflict resolution. This assessment revealed that conflicts within the team did occur in the “Ibu Hebat” community. The types of conflicts that occur include these three types of conflicts, that are conflict of purpose, process conflict, and personal conflict. From the analysis conducted, it was found that the biggest conflict that occurred in the “Ibu Hebat” community is process conflict, then followed by task conflict, and in the third position is personal conflict which also appeared but just in low intensity. The survey results also show the intention of solving these conflicts are using compromising, accommodating, and collaborating. From the results of the study also obtained, that the conflicts that occur can be overcome difficulties and have more positive impacts for community performance, rather than negative impacts.