Last modified: 2019-10-01
Abstract. Urban conditions that are inhabited by many people create air pollution caused by motorized vehicles from the people. Regulations regarding green open space in urban areas have been stipulated in government regulations No. 15 of 2010. The city of Surabaya as one of the major cities in Indonesia also has green open space. Remote Sensing as a tool can be used to find out about the extent of open green space in the city of Surabaya. The method is used to look at existing green open space in the city of Surabaya by using NDVI, where the class threshold between vegetation and non vegetation used is 0.5. Research results show that from 2015-2017, the city of Surabaya experienced a reduction in green space area of 8 percent from 20% but, in 2018 there was an increase in the area of open green space. This study concludes that green open space in the city of Surabaya is still below 30 percent.