Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Analysis of thermal front distribution and its relationship with CPUE data of Lemuru Fish in Bali Strait in 2016
Argo Galih Suhadha

Last modified: 2019-09-30


Thermal front is the meeting area of two water masses which have different characteristics of sea surface temperature, for example the meetings between the mass of Java seawater warmer with a mass of Indian Ocean water cooler. The thermal front phenomenon that occurs will indicate the location of the fish. So that it can be used as the main parameter in Potential Fishing Zone. Thermal front is used as the main parameter in the production of Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ) information in LAPAN. However, the accuracy in determining potential areas of fishing areas based on thermal front data cannot be measured with certainty, due to the limitations of fish catch data. The purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of thermal fronts in the Bali Strait waters and find out the relationship of thermal front distribution with Lemuru Fish catching. In finding thermal front distribution, this study used data near real-time sea surface temperature of Aqua MODIS daily satellite during 2016. Thermal front information that has been obtained then calculated its calculation with the catch of Lemuru Fish in the Bali Strait in 2016 which was obtained from National Fishing Port (NFP) Pengambengan. The results of the study showed that many thermal fronts occurred in the strait which borders East Java. Thermal fronts tend to be commonly found in the first transitional season where the peak of the thermal front event, then decreased in the East Season and the Second Transition Season, then experienced the lowest point in the West Season. Correlation between thermal front and CPUE of Lemuru fish is 0.491 Pearson correlation coefficient which has in the high enough category. This indicates that the presence of a thermal front can be used as the main parameter in determining the Potential Fishing Zone.


Thermal Front, CPUE, Lemuru Fish, PFZ, Bali Strait