Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Critical Dimensions Of Government Roles on Human Security and Social Protection In Border Areas
Bambang Shergi Laksmono

Last modified: 2019-08-14


This study intense to explore or analyze the critical dimensions on the role of government in integrating development efforts or scheme to the needs of border areas in Indonesia. Specifically, this study looks into the capacity and system support required to develop an effective local government. Collaboration between local and central government predictively accelerate achievements of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG`s) that relevant to Indonesian Governments’ social development and social protection policies for the population in the international border. Human security outcomes and local govenment capacity will be placed as major variables to be examined. The study will use secondary data related to variables, conduct Focus Group Discussion with National Border Development Agency (Badan Nasional Pengelola Perbatasan) at national level. A number stakeholder sources at the Indonesian border will also contribute for additional information. Based on those methods, this research will present  an analytical framework of local government capacity that become the obstacles to meet SDGs in border area in Indonesia.


border management, local government, border agency