Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Ready for Urban Living? SDG in urban context of Indonesia
Teti A Argo

Last modified: 2019-09-13


Government of Indonesia's commitment for SDG has been set formally and promoted widely at local level, with local governments as the agent of change, policy changes as tools as well as non government actors as players. With increasing population and areas that vastly become urbanized in Indonesia as indicated by population change, increasing density and expanded settlements, this feature have not been used as information toward adjusting SDG for urban context in Indonesia. while there is one goal dedicated for urban areas SDG 11. Almost all SDGs goals and its concepts have to develop its interpretation in urban context. this leads to not only that SDG may run to be irrelevant toward 21st century urban living, but run counter to fast pace change occuring in urban areas. If SDG and its concept do not adapt to change, in urban context, we run the risk to of missed opportunities to reaching intended results in 2030.


SDG, urban context