Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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The Role Coordination in REDD+ Project: The Case of Bio Carbon Fund in Jambi Province, Indonesia
Jamal M Gawi

Last modified: 2019-08-15


The Role of Coordination in REDD+ Project

The Case of Bio Carbon Fund in Jambi Province, Indonesia

Jamal M. Gawi*

Evi Primawaty**



*Main writer, Lecturer at the School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia

**Head of Jambi Environmental Agency

***Head of Environmental Government Unit, Jambi Environmental Agency.


As one of the countries participating in global effort to reduce emission from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), Indonesia is experiencing enormous challenge in dealing with governance issues, especially with regards to coordination in both vertically between national REDD+ entities with local government counterparts and also horizontally at both national and local levels. This paper will examine main question on why coordination is still a big issue for REDD+ project in Indonesia and what practical solution available to deal with it.

The objective of this paper is to debunk coordination difficulties inherit by REDD+ participating partners in Jambi Province, Indonesia and to discuss practical solution to this issue. In doing so, the role of intervening partners such as NGOs and consultants were parallelly discussed. A Policy Processes developed by IDS (2006) is drawn on to see the interaction between narratives or discourses, actors or networks, and political interests in the global, national, and local level with NGO and consultant as intervening variables.

The results from the case in Jambi Province shows that traditional coordination that rely on formal actor relations is not working and a new approach of expanding coordination actors to include those with no explicit political interest is key to successful REDD+ coordination in Indonesia.


REDD+, Coordination, Policy Process