Last modified: 2019-08-15
Coal production has significant role as domestic income in Indonesia which however, its exploitation inflicts environmental and social damages. In order to rehabilitate the ex-mining land and embody the sustainable development, mine reclamation is mandatory and has to be implemented as the area’s function. Decree of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Republic Indonesia No. 1827.K/30/MEM/2018 about Good Mining Practice Implementation Guidelines determines the other form of mine reclamation including housings, tourism object, water intake (for void) and livestock or farming. By this regulation, the government rules how the ex-mining land keeps the sustainability, for example by setting up the integrated livestock (cattle) farming on mine reclamation area. This research aims to define the weight increment and birth rate of cattle. The data were taken from Integrated Cattle Farm in PT Berau Coal which breeds the Balinese cattle (Bos javanicus), the Donggala cattle (originated from Bos indicus) and the Brahman Cross cattle (Bos indicus) and were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the birth percentage of the calves are 0.62% for the Brahman Cross’s, 0.45% for Balinese’s and 1.04% for Donggala’s. Based on the measurements of the weight increment of the Brahman Cross’s cattle, the results showed that 0.28 kg/day of weight gain increment for intensive breeding (cage) and 0.18% kg/day of weight gain increment for semi intensive breeding (grazing). The nutrient which comes from cover crop and grass was also tested and met the requirement of beef cattle. This idea however supports the government’s project since Indonesia imports about 23% beef to supply domestic consumption. Presently, The Integrated Cattle Farm of PT Berau Coal is not only as the training farming center for local community surrounding ex-mining area but it is also a potential as national beef production facility in Indonesia in the future.