Last modified: 2019-10-22
Coal fired power plant (CFPP) capacity in the Banten province continues to grow, from 1983 to 2019, 2x400 MW has been installed to more than 6000MW. The increase in the number of CFPP has an impact on the amount of fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) waste produced each year in the region. The FABA waste can be used as a mixture of cement in infrastructure development. The management of FABA waste is currently 70% utilized by the cement industry for activities located outside the Banten area, so that additional transportation costs are needed for the management of the waste. On the other hand, Banten province still needs infrastructure development. A monitoring system for the establishment and utilization of FABA waste can be built to improve waste utilization, prevent environmental impacts due to further waste travel, and support increased infrastructure development in the Banten region at a lower cost because it utilizes FABA as a substitute for cement.