Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Study of Slum Area Environmental Carrying Capacity for the Happiness of Slum Household Family Life (Case Study of Gender and Ecological Perspectives)
Sitti Nursetiawati, Dian Pertiwi Josua

Last modified: 2019-10-01


Decent residential area, difficult to find especially in urban areas. Nowadays, the slum area is an option for families to stay and settle on the grounds of lack of the availability of environmentally viable. This research is a combination research, with the aim of analyzing the environmental influences in the slums against the happiness of families living in the region. The study involved 30 families, and differentiated gender-appropriate happiness, which is based on the perspective of fathers, mothers, and children of one family. Sources of research data are sourced from primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Questionnaire tool filled by respondents on a self-report basis, while secondary data comes from interviews, and observations. The results of the study stated that: (a) The environment affects the happiness of the Family slums, (b) Communities in the slums have quite high conditions of happiness, and (c) there is a difference of happiness between men and Women in the slum environment.


Ecological analysis, family happiness, gender studies, and the slum environment.