Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Identification of Waste Disposal Site (TPS) in Parts of Muara Angke, North Jakarta Using Aerial Remote Sensing Data to Support the Existence of Sustainable Big City Coastal Area
Nurwita Mustika Sari, Mohammad Ardha

Last modified: 2019-08-15



The potential of aerial remote sensing application in the analysis of urban area is very high. The spatial resolution of aerial remote sensing data is very high so that the objects shown in the imagery can be displayed in detail and clearly. One part of ​​the city that often lack of attention regarding spatial planning and environmental sanitation is coastal area in big cities, one of which is Muara Angke, a coastal area in North Jakarta. The purpose of this study was to identify a Waste Disposal Site (TPS) object in parts of Muara Angke. The data used is LSU (LAPAN Surveillance UAV) camera data. The method used in this study is Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) with object segmentation at the beginning to differentiate the TPS area with other objects using multiresolution segmentation algorithms. To facilitate the selection of sample areas, waste bank location data was used in the field. The result showed that TPS identification can be carried out by using aerial remote sensing data and object-based classification.



Remote sensing; OBIA; urban planning; coastal; Waste Disposal Site (TPS)