Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Perception and Understanding of Agricultural Extension to Soil and How to Understand and Assess Soil and Soil Quality
Latief Mahir Rachman

Last modified: 2019-10-20


The Indonesian government's program to achieve self-sufficiency and food independence needs to be supported by increased agricultural production and welfare of farmers. The role of agricultural extension agents is needed and strategic to increase agricultural growth and production. Agricultural extension workers must understand all components related to agricultural cultivation. One component of cultivation that greatly determines agricultural production is land. Though supposedly still quite a lot of agricultural extension that do not have an understanding of the components of the soil adequately. Adequate understanding of land and soil quality is very necessary for determining the type and density of cultivated plants, crop rotation, tillage, type and dosage of fertilization, and irrigation. Whereas to support the implementation of Agriculture 3.0 and 4.0, the role of agricultural extension agents is needed to produce careful calculations and intelligent decision making for agricultural management. . This study aims to determine the perceptions, knowledge and conception of agricultural extension workers on soil, fertility and soil productivity, soil fertilization, soil quality and techniques to assess soil. The results of research conducted on farmers in Bandung Regency, Bogor, Majalengka, Kuningan, Garut, Cianjur, Sukabumi, West Java Province, show that overall knowledge of agricultural extension workers on land and techniques to assess soil is still not satisfactory. . They are still a bit difficult to learn to understand the land so that it is more appropriate and beneficial in making decisions on matters related to land. They need knowledge, data and information about land and techniques to assess soil that is more easily accepted, practical and measurable.


agricultural extention; soil; soil assessment; soil management; soil quality