Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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SDGs-2030 Indonesia And Environmentally Sustainable Staplefood Producing Agriculture
Mohammad Hasroel Thayib

Last modified: 2019-08-15


Points related to food and environment such as mentioned in the SDGs-2030 Agendas are discussed related to the view of the unique environment of Indonesia. In 2030 population of Indonesia will be approaching 300 million and will need a yearly 36 million ton of rice to feed the population. Mentioned are the environmental impacts of environmentaly unfriendly monoculture staplefood production practices which will cause problems for Indonesia. Some of the points in the agenda, especially those related to the staplefood environment, tend to fail whenever the ecosystem of the Archipelago is not made as basis of principles in agriculture in this part of the planet. Methods and technology applied in this area are mostly from other countries having different typology of environment. However those technologies are not always applicable in the unique tropical, equatorial ecosystem of Indonesia. A lot number of products could be developed which will have absolute advantages


ecosystem; impact; staplefood