Last modified: 2019-09-30
Indonesia is located in the equatorial region which is affected by phenomena of two oceans and two continents, including monsoon and inter-annual phenomena such as ENSO and IOD. Ocean currents and sea surface temperature are physical parameters that also affected by these phenomena. Ocean currents have an important role in sea surface temperature distribution as the basis for determining Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ). This research was conducted to determine the impact of inter-annual phenomena on potential fishing points distribution in the WPPNRI 573 (Republic of Indonesia Fisheries Management Region 573). The data in this study consists of sea current, sea surface temperature, Dipole Mode Index (DMI), Nino 3.4 Index, and PFZ distribution data in 2015-2018. This study shows a change of 0.4943 degrees Celcius to sea surface temperature and 0.0566 m/s changes in current speed due to inter-annual phenomena. The existence of this inter-annual phenomena also has an impact on PFZ distribution. When positive DMI and strong El-Nino occur, the distribution of PFZ is concentrated in the eastern coastal areas of WPPNRI 573, when DMI positive occurs, the majority of PFZ are scattered in the southern offshore area of Indonesia, and when DMI positive and weak El-Nino occurs, the distribution tends to be evenly distributed in the coastal region and in the offshore area. This information is needed to support SDG 1 No Poverty, Zero Hungry SDG 2, and SDG 14 Life below water.