Last modified: 2019-08-14
Official statistical reports show that the world is increasingly urbanized. The number and population density of the city is increasing very rapidly, not least in Medan City, Indonesia. Along with that, the frequency of flood events was reported to have accelerated. This is a big challenge for communities living in flood-prone areas. This paper aims to map the vulnerability and capacity of people living in flood-prone areas and analyze the strategies they use to be able to resilience floods. Data collection was conducted in 2015-2016 with mix-methods. The quantitative method is carried out through a survey with a questionnaire of 200 households (Medan Maimun Sub-District: 80 households, Medan Johor Sub-District: 60 households, and Medan Petisah Sub-District: 60 households). Meanwhile, the qualitative method was carried out by in-depth interviews with community leaders and city government officials, focus group discussions at the city level, and field observations conducted by researchers. In addition, data updates were carried out in 2019. Using the LIPI model framework on community resilience to disasters, the results of mapping and analysis showed that residents in Medan Maimun (Kampung Aur) had the highest vulnerability in demographic aspects, physical resources, and financial resources. They also have limitations in the aspects of education, employment, and income. However, they try to do coping and adaptation strategies to increase the level of resilience and maintain their livelihoods by continuing to build and increase their social capital. This is a lesson learned how the capacity of social capital built by communities with high vulnerability can help achieve sustainable development goals, especially SDG 11.