Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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The Effect of Collaborative Learning Model and Personality Type on Environmental Sensitivity
Aminah Zuhriyah

Last modified: 2019-08-14


The Effect of Collaborative Learning Model and Personality Type on Environmental Sensitivity

Aminah Zuhriyah1, I Made Astra2, Yufiarti3


1 Student of Population and Environmental Education Departemen of State University of Jakarta

2 F. MIPA Departement of State University of Jakarta

3 Psychology Departement of State University of Jakarta


Email :  aminahzuhriyah2808@gmail.com. imadeastra@gmail.com.



The main objective of this study is to study information about the effect of collaborative learning models and personality types on the environmental sensitivity of class XI students of Yatindo Vocational School Bekasi. In general, the purpose of this study is to get a description of which from the two treatment collaborative learning models has better effect on environmental sensitivity, considering the student’s personality types. This research uses the experimental method, factorial 2 x 2 design. This experiment is to examine the effect of independent variables (collaborative learning model: Structured Problem Solving vs. Cell Learning) and (personality type: extrovert vs. introvert) on the dependent variable (environmental sensitivity). The design of this study (R) O1 X O2 (Pre-test - Post-test Control Group Design) applies to two groups, the research object was randomly selected and given a personality type test, before treatment, after that it is conduct the measurement of student’s environmental sensitivity test. From the data analysis shows whether there is an interaction effect between collaborative learning models and personality types on students' environmental sensitivity.




Collaborative Learning Model, Personality Type, and Environmental Sensitivity