Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Whose Green is it? Constructing Proposition about Justice in the Sundered World
Aji Noor Muhammad

Last modified: 2019-09-30


Values about justice are always inherently brought when we talk about sustainability, so does the approach that stands beside it. ‘Green’ is one of those approaches that refers to the specific treatment that mankind does to nature. It is also widely assumed that mankind and natural objects are separated. Contrary to the common belief, these treatments are related to cultural and political values that undermine it. This research aims to explore how theoretical propositions about ‘Green Open Space’ are constructed; also how dichotomy about social and natural are formed as we construct those propositions. Using Actor-Network Theory as a method, this research will attempt to explain how proposition about justice in that theory is carried out in social movement along banks of Ciliwung River, and how these social movements are taking environmental objects around them into account.

Keywords: Human-Nature Dichotomy, Justice, Green Open Space, Actor-Network Theory, Social Movement