Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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The effect on environmental knowledge on green behavior factors: comparison of Faculty of Economics and Management Students in UPM and IPB University
Roza Destrinanda Ms

Last modified: 2019-09-30


Accelerating globalization and technologies are in line with the increasing environmental damage caused by human activities which impact on the environmental performance of each country. The environmental performance of a country can be observed from the Environmental Performance Index score that organized by Yale University. The Environment Performance Index Indonesia and Malaysia in 2018 showed a decline from the previous year. In terms of increasing the environmental performance, each country would establish cooperation with various sectors such as formal and informal institution, one of the collaboration could be conducted is with the university as educational institutions. UPM and IPB University are agricultural campuses in Malaysia and Indonesia that concern with the environment by created vision and mission as a green university for environmental sustainability. UPM and IPB University can shape students through knowledge acquired by students during the education process. The most important thing after obtaining knowledge is how students behave and applied the knowledge acquired. Students are the largest campus community and the next future leaders, one step to improve environmental sustainability is through students’ behavior that has a positive impact on the environment, this is called green behavior. The purpose of this research are: (1) Analyzing environmental knowledge of students From Faculty of Economics and Management UPM and IPB University, (2) Analyzing the effect of subjective knowledge on green behavior factors, and (3) Analyzing students as an influencer of green behavior based on Net Promoter Score. Primary and secondary data are used in this study. The data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis, PLS-SEM analysis, and Net Promoter Score. The result of this research showed that subjective knowledge has a positive impact on green behavior factors.

