Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Building Resiliency in Socio-hydrological System of Citarum River Basin, Indonesia (A Literature Review)
Masni Dyta Anggriani

Last modified: 2019-08-14


Citarum River is one of the rivers in Indonesia that has a very important socio-economic and ecological functions, especially for people in West Java Province and DKI Jakarta. However, at present the Citarum River is also known as the most polluted river in the world. Land use changes and high pollution loads from the socio-economic activities in the Citarum River Basin have placed enormous pressure on the hydrological system in the region. The threat of the sustainability of the ecological function of the Citarum River is realized as a disruption in the resilience of the socio-hydrological system. Resilience is an approach that can be used to analyze the level of sustainability of the socio-hydrological system. The resilience approach emphasizes the need to understand the dynamics of the social sub-system and the hydrological sub-system within the socio-hydrological system, so that appropriate water policies and governance can be formulated. Building resilience of the socio-hydrological system requires a study of the development of a social network model that includes social institutions, social cultural norms and values ​​that are inherent, social learning and appropriate governance. This paper suggest the emergence conceptual framework in building the resilience of socio-hydrological by integrating the social and cultural dimensions in water governance formulations.


socio-hydrological system, river basin, resilience, sustainability, water governance