Last modified: 2019-09-30
The definition of unwanted pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside of planning, because the husband or wife partner does not want to use contraception, there is no access to family planning services which causes pregnancy. Based on the 2012 Demographic and Health Survey, the proportion of unwanted pregnancies altogether in Indonesia amounted to 7.1% of the 18 898 women aged 15-49 births during the five years prior to the survey, while according to the 2017 Demographic and Health Survey proportion of unwanted pregnancies altogether in Indonesia amounted to 7.1% of 18,952 births. It is seen from the two periods of the IDHS that the proportion of unwanted pregnancies has not changed and is still stable. The purpose of this study about unwanted risk factors for pregnancy to the completeness of antenatal care (ANC). The study design using IDHS study design with cross sectional design. The sample in this study was a live birth in the five years prior to the survey report birth weight rural and urban areas in Indonesia. Data analysis used multivariate logistic regression analysis for risk factor models. Unwanted pregnancies have an influence on ANC in both rural and urban areas. There are differences in variables that affect unwanted pregnancies against ANC examination. Individual variables that affect rural areas are influenced by employment, economic status, age and parity, while in urban areas they are influenced by economic status and age. Cultural environments affect human behavior that has the culture, so that the cultural diversity cause variation in human behavior in all respects, including in health behavior.