Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Spatial Pattern Comparison of Paddy field Productivity on Karst and Non – Karst Area (Studi Case at Ponjong, Semanu and Karangmojo District)
Yoanna Ristya, Astrid Damayanti, Taqyuddin Taqyuddin, Nur Laily Romadhotul Husna

Last modified: 2019-08-14


Land Productivity can be affected by physical and human factors. Physical factors that can affect the land productivity are temperature, number of wet months, drainage, texture, pH, soil depth, slope and others. Landform defferences can cause a differences of physical factors betwen one and another land. The differences of physical factors caused a differences in paddy varieties, type of fertilizer and community paddy planting method. Paddy varieties, type of fertilizer and community paddy planting method are human factors that can affect land production. Ponjong, Semanu and Karangmojo district are districts in Gunungkidul Regency that have the largest paddy field area. Most area in that districts is included of Gunung Sewu karst area and the others area is non – karst area. This research want to know the spatial pattern comparison of Paddy field Productivity on Karst and Non – Karst Area. Temperature, number of wet months, drainage, texture, pH, soil depth, cation capacity, base saturation and slope, paddy field productivity was used as the variables in this research. In this reasearch matching method was used to get the paddy field suitability class, afterwards nearest neighbor analysis and spatial analysis was used to get the spatial pattern of paddy field productivity. The result show that average productivity on non – karst area is higher than karst area. In the karst area, most of high class is located in Karst Plateau landform. In conical karst landform, slope is the main inhibiting factor for land productivity. In Karst Plateau is pH and drainage, whilst in non – karst area inhibited by rooting.


Gunung Sewu Karst area; land suitability; non – karst area; productivity; spatial pattern