Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Coastal Inundation Impact to the Sustainability of Agriculture Sector in Pekalongan City, Indonesia
Erni Suharini, Elok Surya Pratiwi, Fahrudin Hanafi

Last modified: 2019-10-01


Tidal inundation that is getting farther inland year by year has given a serious problem to the sustainability of farming activities in Pekalongan, but it has rarely been exposed more detail to the public. The aim of this research is to investigate the present effects of seawater inundation to the agriculture sector in Pekalongan coastal area. We focused on the study of paddy field area reduction, soil degradation and rice production loss. Time series remote sensing imageries from google earth satellite were used to analyze the seawater run up between 2003 and 2017. A Laboratory measurement was conducted to observe soil characteristics change in the area contaminated by seawater. This result revealed that for the last fifteen years’, seawater has increasingly inundated the mainland of Pekalongan coastal area. The farthest distance of the inundation in 2017 reached 2.5 kilometers from the coastline and it rose 0.5 kilometers since 2003. High level of salinity decreased the soil fertility of paddy fields area that fluctuate inundated by seawater. The Coastal inundation phenomena has contributed to the reduction of rice production by almost 87% during 2003 and 2017. This result has showed a critical condition of agriculture sector in study area, thus some mitigation actions become a necessity thing in order to protect our land as well as food security on the future.


agriculture; coastal area; inundation; seawater; soil