Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Factors Affecting the Perception of the Local Community in maintaining the sustainability of the Setu Babakan Betawi Cultural Village in South Jakarta
Dwinanto Suberlian

Last modified: 2019-08-24


The Setu Babakan Betawi Cultural Village is an area that has been established by the Government for Betawi Culture preservation since 2000. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current landuse and at the time of its establishment as a Betawi socio-cultural preservation area, analyze the attitudes and expectations of the surrounding community towards the existence and sustainability and analyze the variables that influence people's perceptions of area. A total of 345 questionnaires were distributed using a simple random sampling method. Descriptive analysis is used to find out the categories of respondents' statements from each variable indicator. While quantitative analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis techniques aims to measure how significant the relationship between variables and indicators. There was a change in the land use from 2005-2019, namely the reduction of green open space and the increase in residential land area. Community perceptions are shown in a statement supporting and agreeing that the home environment of the residence is included in the area. The hopes and desires of the people around Betawi Village are that the community can continue to be in the area and be involved in activities within the area. economic factors are the most important variable for the community to maintain sustainability because the community feels very economically helped by opening small businesses in the region. Social factors also play an important role in maintaining the sustainability. Based on the results of path analysis from structural equation models it is known that public perception is significantly influenced by economic factors and social factors while environmental factors do not significantly influence people's perceptions.


Sustainability; Maintain; Community Perception, Betawi Cultural Village; Efforts