Last modified: 2019-10-03
Abstract— Sustainability is an important topic in environmental studies. In addition to environmental engineering and management solutions, special studies are need to look at educational factors in environmental studies. With the phenomenological approach, this research proves that the main problem of the environment in Indonesia is knowledge and awareness. Therefore, it is important that aspects of environmental education may developed seriously in various sectors of life.
Education in this study is no longer interpreted as a formal process of knowledge transfer in existing educational institutions. Education must be immediately changed into a cultural formation through individual awareness. This individual awareness is gained through inspirations in daily life. In this context, environmental education needs to be expanded to reach various sectors, such as; technical planning and design of various buildings, infrastructure, and arrangement of other public facilities.
Knowledge and awareness arising from the process of flowing inspiration from an artificial environment designed based on the principles of appropriate environmental science will be more meaningful than the learning process in formal schools. One concept developed by the Indonesian government is Adiwiyata. This concept only provides a basis for habituation to implementing environment-based activities but still requires other supporting factors in the broader field of life.
Keyword: Environmental Education, Environmental for Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development, Adiwiyata.