Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Sustainable Urban Agriculture Model in Central Jakarta
Janice Jacob Kayan Jap, Tri Edhi Budhi Soesilo

Last modified: 2019-09-30


A growing body of literature highlights urban agriculture (UA)’s contribution to the economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainable urban development. This is exhibited through numerous studies that associate UA with food security, poverty alleviation, and social cohesion among others in cities of the Global North. Previous studies suggest that these multifunctionalities are some desirable traits from bringing the food system into the urban environment and enabling cities to become productive landscape. However, differences in policies regulating UA practice as a part of city planning is one of the most cited reasons that keeps UA from being formalized as a part of legitimate urban activities in many countries outside of the Global North. In Indonesia, some grassroots and local government programs have initiated backyard or community-level edible gardening activities with the goal to achieve food security. However, these activities are still carried out by each institution according to their respective abilities, thus resulting in limited cultivation, processing, and marketing of UA products. This study seeks to identify feedback relationships in the local food systems and challenges the sustainability of current UA practice as a source of food production in Central Jakarta. This research extends previous studies that suggest potentials for UA development in Jakarta. We identified some gaps and suggested a more comprehensive method by employing a systems approach to explore UA as a source of food in Central Jakarta. By the end of this research, we modeled the local food systems and simulated UA scenarios toward sustainable urban ecosystem.



Urban agriculture; urban ecosystem; local food systems; modeling; sustainability