Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Environmental Assessment Gap Based on AMDAL and IFC Standard Performance (Case Study of Land Acquisition on Batang Toru Hydro Electric Power Development)
Arif Muhammad Siregar, Suyud Warno Utomo, Udi Syahnoedi Hamzah

Last modified: 2019-09-25


Development activity become a factor causing disruption the ecosystems that impacted on the environment, social and economy. Environmental management is an effort in preventing environmental ecosystems according to their supporting capacity and carrying capacity on site. Especially in land acquisition, the initiator shall be implementing public consultation instruments. Identified problems, the environmental management using two documents, AMDAL and ESIA. In this research the author tries to discuss the AMDAL and ESIA documents, especially on the public consultation of land acquisition in the Batang Toru Hydroelectric Power Plant, using quantitative descriptive method and interviews with various sources. The results are, AMDAL and ESIA processes are have a potential for synergy even though there are gaps in both processes. The author hopes that the results of this research can be useful for decision makers both from the government and the companny, commonly for the community.


AMDAL, ESIA, Public Consultation, Land acquisition