Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Urban Forest: Birds Conservation Areas in Urban Environment
Panji Prakoso, Mahawan Karuniasa, Tarsoen Waryono

Last modified: 2019-08-15


Urbanization is a phenomenon that cannot be avoided from metropolitan cities in a country, one of which is DKI Jakarta. The phenomenon of urbanization that occurs in DKI Jakarta can be perceived as a positive thing from the social and economic point of view. On the other ways, the phenomenon can cause unfavorable impacts on environmental aspects such as a decrease in the physical quality of urban environments. An urban forest is a form of the urban green ecosystem that has an essential role in overcoming this problem. On the other hands, Urban forests indirectly have substantial benefits for urban bird communities, e.g., for urban bird diversity conservation services. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to identify bird species in Srengseng Urban Forest. Point count method was used. The data of bird species and its abundance are analyzed with Shanon-Wiener species diversity index (H’), evenness index (E), dominance index (D). A total of 14 bird species under 13 families are found in the location. The bird biodiversity index of 1,66 (moderate) with an evenness index of 0,63 (spread evenly). The highest and most dominant species are Collocalia linchi, Hirundo tahitica, and Pycnonotus goiavier. In addition to urban birds, Srengseng Urban Forest also has the potential as a waterbird species habitat, due to the findings of Ardeola speciosa at the location. Therefore, proper management and the selection of the right type of vegetation are expected to support the conservation of bird diversity and possibly be able to increase the heterogeneity of birds species.


Birds, Conservation diversity, Urban Forest