Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Living in limitness: sustainable livelihood assets and strategies of local people in flood prone areas (study case: Dayeuhkolot, Bandung Regency)
Wawargita Permata Wijayanti

Last modified: 2019-08-14


Nowdays, a concept of sustainable livelihood becomes an essential topic, specifically in developing countries. An increasing of vulnerability, mainly disaster that attack certain area affect to the livelihood of local people. Due to that disaster, local people loss of their household’s assets or resources and then, this condition disturb their activities. Since 2010, this condition becomes a crucial issue in Dayeuhkolot sub-district, Bandung regency. This area is always flooded when rain comes. It makes local people more vulnerable due to they loss their economic activities, access to public services, damage their household goods, and other impacts that affect to their livelihood condition.  Therefore, this paper aims to assess the livelihood assets of local people, include physical, financial, social, natural, and human asset and develop strategies to maintain the condition of local people due to flood shock. Ample attention will be paid to each characteristics of local people that divided into agricultural and non-agricultural jobs. It is important to show how are the differences among them, so the strategies of livelihood become more real. We used a questionnaire for 100 local people who live in Dayeuhkolot. The analysis used a cluster analysis based on fives assets of local people to show classification of local people assets and a valuation of pentagon assets to determine the level of their livelihoods. The result shows that (1) there are 3 types of local people based on their conditions of livelihoods assets, (2) level of livelihoods of local people based on 5 assets is low, and (3) there are three different of strategies of local people: survival, consolidation, and diversification for each type of local people.


livelihoods, local people, flood disaster, strategies