Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Renewable Energy Mix Target 2025: Study on the Performance of Geothermal Power Generation in Indonesia in the Last Five Years
Hariyadi Hariyadi, Paulus Wirutomo, Setyo S. Moersidik, S. Witoro Soelarno

Last modified: 2019-09-29


The geothermal power generation development has strategic importance to support the interests of achieving energy security based on the renewable energy source, climate mitigation, and the mission of sustainable development. As a country that has abundant geothermal resources, the Government of Indonesia has taken a breakthrough policy in developing PLTP as a national strategic program to improve the achievement of the renewable energy mix in 2025 and beyond. Nevertheless, the government's breakthrough policy to promote the generation program has not shown optimal performance in the past five years to support the achievement target of renewable energy mix based on the geothermal power generation by 2025 and beyond. This article will aim at answering crucial issues that underlie the ineffectiveness of the breakthrough policy for PLTP development in Indonesia and its impact on achieving the target of the renewable energy mix in Indonesia. This paper uses a qualitative approach, and secondary data/literature study will be used, as well as interviews and surveys of a case study in one of the geothermal power generation project in Indonesia. The results of the study indicate that the issue of political support and governance of the social problems in the development of geothermal power plants is the main obstacle in the performance of geothermal power generation in the past five years. As a result, Indonesia will not certainly achieve the development target of geothermal power generation in its renewable energy mix.


geothermal, geothermal power generation, the political breakthrough, social consensus, energy mix, new and renewable energy