Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Chinese Indonesian Studies

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Juli Astuti

Last modified: 2017-07-08


Indonesian society with different ethnic backgrounds, religions and different races have different characteristics in attitude and behavior, where the difference is the potential to create conflict either manifest or latent. Strengthening social  capital  is  an  important  element  in  national  development,  especially regarding issues of national integration. The first year of this study aims to describe: (1) Factors that support a mix of ethnic Chinese-Javanese society. 2) Understanding, attitudes and behavior of the Javanese ethnic Chinese and should be, and   3)   How   is   the   confidence   (trust),   mutual   understanding   (mutual understanding) and values (shard value) between Javanese and Chinese ethnic. The first year was conducted in Malang, with kualitattif approach. Subjects assigned purporsive research. Methods of data collection is done by observation, interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The qualitative data analysis techniques with interactive models.

The results showed carry: 1). Factors that support the ethnic mix of Chinese-Javanese: a) tolerance, b) mutual respect for different cultures, c) Structural  and  d)  marriage,  2)  Understanding the  Javanese  of  ethnic  Chinese strongly influenced by the history of the entry of the Chinese in Indonesia later making stereotype Java community against ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, which makes the attitude and behavior of exclusivity, in group, and post regformasi makes the formation of a new understanding ethnic relations Javanese-Chinese mutual acceptance, mutual respect and mutual benefit, social distance semain close and the network egalitarian, whereas 3) Faith and values shared between the two ethnic groups can not be separated from changes in the values and policies of the  relationship  of  the  nation  increasingly  tolerant  and  rational  can  not  be separated from the growing mutual trust (trust) of both parties, the emergence of cooperation in various fields life that bring a positive impact for both parties and for the future of the State, where the two ethnic relations will be able to strengthen and empower the economic, social, cultural and political. And finally of course will strengthen the bond of nationality. Recommendations in this study were: (1) The importance of attachment to develop and improve "trust" from all walks of life the two ethnic groups in various fields and everyday life, (2) Increase the value / norms shared between the two ethnic groups, with emphasis on "identity together "as part of the citizens of Malang in particular and Indonesia in general citizen (3) Strengthening networking model to establish wider cooperation and more intensive between the two ethnic relations especially in the economic field through constructive – productive.

Keywords:   Model    Network,    Strengthening   Social    Capital,    Constructive Productive, National Integration