Last modified: 2017-10-01
Hok Tek Bio is a Chinese temple, located in the city of Bogor, Indonesia. Although, this temple is called as Buddhist temple, it is actually used for worshiping several deities from Chinese traditional religion. According to Elliot(1979), Chinese traditional religion itself is considered Shenism which literally means a belief in Shens (Chinese: spirits). Shenism is the oldest belief in China, and developed long before Taoism, Confucianism, and Budhism spreaded across China. Observation reveals unique occurrences at this temple, in which local sacred figures are enshrined by Shenism worshippers, namely: Eyang Raden Surya Kencana and Mbah Bogor. They were solemnly venerated as deities. This religious practice is regarded as “Sinicization” which literally means to make it closer to the Chinese-ideal. This study aims to analyse the motivations of Chinese diaspora worshippers behind sinicizing local figures. Bogor Chinese diaspora accepted the features of different civilizations by inserting local-sacred figures and harmonising them with their own belief-system. Adapting indigenous figures into gods within an existing belief system is known as cultural amalgamation. It is related to the concept of efficacy and pragmatism belonging to Chinese religion. However, this amalgamation is conditional, in which must be sinicized to adjust to the Chinese-ideal.