Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Chinese Indonesian Studies

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The Dynamics of Chinise Indonesian Association in Jakarta , 1999-2005
Dewik Untarawati

Last modified: 2017-09-30


The Dynamics of Chinise Indonesian Association in Jakarta , 1999-2005

Dewik Untarawati

Departement of History, Faculty of Hummanities, University of Indonesia


The May 1998 Riots was one of the darkest events in Indonesian history. Looting Robberies, rape and destruction of Chinese homes and shops in several major cities of Indonesia, especially Jakarta, have been perceived as a serious threat and resulted in deep trauma for ethnic Chinese in Indonesia. In reaction to the event, in 1999 came the idea of ​​17 Chinese Indonesians, whom we call ethnic Chinese then, to establish an organization namely, Chinese Indonesians Association or Perhimpunan Indonesia Tionghoa  (INTI). The organization has a goal to resolve the various ethnic Chinese issues brought from the Old Order to the end of the New Order regime. This paper will explain what problems faced by ethnic Chinese and how efforts made by Chinese Indonesians Association to solve the problem. Through a series of interviews from the founders of the Chinese Indonesian Association as well as literature studies related to this issue. This paper uses historical research methods that include heusristic, interpretation, criticism, and historiography.

Keyword : May Riots, Chinese Indonesian Association , INTI