Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Chinese Indonesian Studies

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Animal Ornaments on The 18th-19th Century in Chinese Temple in Chinatown Semarang, Central Java
Amalina Hasyyati, Wanny Rahardjo

Last modified: 2017-08-02


Chinese temple is a building that has elements of art, namely ornamental art (ornament). Ancient Chinese Chinese temple building is one of the example of the application of ornaments that have been existed from the beginning. The Chinese temple building which as used as a place of worship is very rich of using the symbolization that has connection to Chinese culture and beliefs. The dominance of the symbol of living things in the ornaments of Chinese temple as a decorative element in the Chinese temple is very rich of meaning emphasized on certain myths, which is also interpreted with the values ​​of the teaching Tri Dharma (Mulyono and Thamrin, 2008: 1-2). Ornaments can be classified into five categories: animals, plants, natural phenomena, geometry and legendary stories. The ornament of the symbol is usually also colored (Lip, 1986: 12-14). Ornaments in the form of animal pictures have been used since prehistoric times found on the walls of the cave. Then, this depiction continues until the next period. The depiction of animal ornaments is often found in the religious building such as Chinese temple. So, animal ornaments is used as a symbolization that has meaningful content.

The ornamental art has been used in ancient Chinese temple building as compulsory art element that decorate each side, such as in the Chinese temples of Chinatown area in ​​Semarang. Semarang Chinatown area is one of the areas that had been settled by the Chinese who stopped in the Nusantara. Their presence was known long before the Dutch came to the Nusantara, and they began to occupy the northern coast of the island of Java. Therefore, it is possible that Semarang is one of the most meaningful cities for Chinese people. One thing that is striking among the Chinese in the Chinatown of Semarang is the religious building of the Chinese temples. In this region there are eight Chinese temple that stood since hundreds of years ago. The Chinese temples are located in one area of ​​the 18th-19th Century.

Various types of research on Chinese society and about the Chinese temple has been widely practiced in Semarang including eight Chinese temple in Semarang Chinatown. However, no research has emphasized the focus on Chinese temple ornaments in this area, especially animal ornaments as a symbol of Chinese religious life. This paper attempts to describe the types of animal ornaments in the Chinese temple of 18th-19th Century in the Chinatown of Semarang. In addition, also revealed the meaning contained behind the ornaments.