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The Behavior of Bureaucratic Apparatus of the State Civil Apparatus Placement in the Parigi Moutong District Government, Central Sulawesi Province
Suasa Suasa, Syamsul Bachri, Mustainah Mustainah, Nasir Mangngasing, Mohammad Riski Borman

Last modified: 2019-10-29


The behavior of the bureaucratic apparatus in the placement of high-leadership pratama positionsof the State Civil Apparatus in Parigi Moutong district is currently still based on 2 (two) things,namely through political remuneration and kinship relations. The government's politicalremuneration is the implications of the contribution during the regional head election. Partly,those are used as the appointment reference of certain positions or employee placement thatheedless the placement regulatory and technical, managerial, and socio-cultural competenciesthat are in accordance with the assigned competency standards. This study aims to examine andanalyze the behavior of bureaucratic apparatus and analyze the implementation of employeeplacement in carrying out their main tasks and functions in Parigi Moutong government during 1(one) period of governance in the year of 2013 – 2018. Qualitative descriptive research methodsare used to describe the phenomena that occur in the field. Data collection is done throughobservation, interviews, and documentation analysis. The results showed that the behavior of thebureaucratic apparatus of employee placement in that period was (1) Care, namely the education,years of service, and experience were not fully followed or carried out as the placementconsideration. (2) Excellence, namely the excellence in achievement and behavior or attitude inservice does not effective. (3) Transformative, as a caring, supportive, and helpful person doesnot achieved. (4) Professionals, in this case is related to the education level or managerial skills,the development of science and technology, and the attitude in the placement considerations stillless professional. (5) Integrity, which upholds the value of justice and the truth about humanvalue do not effectively implemented. Then, (6) the vision novelty does not achieved and (7)democratic governance agent does not maximized.