Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 1st International Conference on Advance Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Effectiveness of Moringa oleifera Extract as An Alternative Treatment for Iron Deficiency Anemia
Dona Suzana

Last modified: 2016-11-11



Approximately 24.8% of the world’s population, suffer from anemia and 50% of anemia cases are due to iron deficiency.  This study investigated the efficacy of Moringa oleifera L leaf extract as an iron booster and supplement to help overcome anemia in the community. It was a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study in anemic women (hemoglobin 8-12g/dL), in which the aqueous extract of Moringa leaf  was examined as an add on therapy in patients treated with ferrous sulphate (200mg/tablet). Thirty five women patients aged 16-49 years were divided into 17 who took Moringa leaf and 18 who were the control capsules containing 1400 mg of Moringa leaf extract were administrated daily for 3 weeks. The result showed there was a significant increase in hemoglobin (0.794±0.81 g/dL), ferritin (29.378±42.48 ng/mL), MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration) (2.459±2.86 g/dL), and RDW (Red Distribution Wide) (1.4±2.07 %) The control group showed a significant increase in hemoglobin (0.644± 0.83g/dL), erythrocytes (0.475±0.523 Tpt/L), hematocrit (2.189±l4.08 %), MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume)( 4.756±8.91 fL), MCH (2.183±2.47 pg) and RDW (2.844±2.80 %).The hematocrit (3.14±1.47 %), MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin) (3.495±1.33 pg), MCHC (3.264±0.96 g/dL) values of Moringa leaf group were significantly higher. It can be concluded that Moringa leaf aqueous extract can ameliorate iron deficiency anemia in women.