Last modified: 2016-11-11
Garcinia daedalanthera is an Indonesian wild plant where commonly found in Sulawesi, Indonesia and spread out in the forest.
Garcinia daedalanthera is one of Clusiaceae plants that have been scientifically proven to provide as antidiabetic and antioxidant activity but never been examined in pharmacognosy parameters.
Pharmacognostical parameters of the leaves were studied with the aim of drawing the pharmacopoeial standards for this species.
The present study was aimed to analysis the pharmacognosy of Garcinia daedalanthera including plant morphology, microscopic characteristics, physicochemical parameters, phytochemical study for the presence of various secondary metabolites and heavy metal analysis using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) method.
The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of flavonoids, saponins, tannin, steroids and phenols.
The moisture content was 2.35%, total ash 2.51%, acid insoluble ash 0.05%, total flavonoid and phenolic content were found to be 3.121% and 14.36% (w/w).
The level of Arsenic(As), Cadmium(Cd) and lead(Pb) were found under the limit (0.357 ppm).
The determination of these characters will aid futute investigators in their Pharmacological analyses of this species and its standardization.