Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 1st International Conference on Advance Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Production of N-Acetylglucosamine using Chitinase preparation of Bacillus sp. BPPTCC-2 Indigenous Strain
Baitha palanggatan maggadani

Last modified: 2016-08-01


This research aimed to obtain optimum condition for N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) production  by enzymatic hydrolysis using chitinase preparation of Bacillus sp. BPPTCC-2 indigenous strain. NAG has been used widely as a dietary supplement in the treatment of osteoarthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. Production of NAG by using BPPTCC-2 chitinase was optimized by adjusting its pH, temperature, substrate and enzyme concentration, and also time of hydrolysis.  The yield of 99,41% as maximum production of NAG was obtained by performing the hydrolysis of 3% substrate colloidal chitin with 0,2 U chitinase after 5 d of incubation on pH 6,0 and temperature of 500C. Result showed that crude chitinase produced by Bacillus sp. BPPTCC-2 could be developed to be used in bioconversion of chitin into high yield NAG.   Keywords                    : N-acetylglucosamine, Chitin, Chitinase, Enzymatic hydrolysis