Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Business Meeting of Vocational Higher Education 2016

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Storage Insurance Claims Media by Digital Systems at Pertamina Jaya Hospital
Femi Nisa Widyaputri

Last modified: 2016-10-19


The hospital is an institution which an integral part of healthcare organizations, social organizations, and serve to provide health care, that is complete in terms of both curative, rehebalitatif, promotive and preventive through the activities of medical and care. Pertamina Hospital was founded in 1967 on the idea Dr.Ibnu Soetowo then served as managing director Pertamina. We observated until 3 month in Pertamina Hospital and we interviewed some of worker at pertamina hospital. Based on the result of observation and interview that already done by the author, the problem that frequently occur and impact the working system in Medical Administration RSPJ is incompleteness of billing supporting documents. The problem arise because storage system is not available for billing supporting documents, the rules for storage of supporting billing system is not available, lack of storage for billing supporting insurance documents, lack of knowledge and awareness of the officer about billing supporting insurance documents, officers inaccuracy in receiving and giving form and supporting documents as well as the unavailability of insurance billing engine that can help document storage supplementary insurance bill