Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Accounting Conference - 2017

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Well-Being Supporting Factors of Umar bin Abdul Aziz Period and its Context to Indonesian Current Practices
Dodik Siswantoro

Last modified: 2017-06-24


This research aims to analyze supporting factors of well-being in Umar bin Abdul Aziz (UAA) period and compare them to Indonesian current practice. This would compare the inexistence of poverty in Umar bin Abdul Aziz period supporting factors to Indonesian condition. Umar only ruled for 29 months but at that time poor people were hard to find. The research applies qualitative method with post-positivist paradigm. Data is taken from literatures, related information, and internet resources. Umar bin Abdul Aziz’s well-being requirements would be analyzed and compared to Indonesian current practices. The well-being of Umar bin Abdul Aziz indicator was inexistence of poverty. Some government programs had been indiscriminately proposed to the benefit of all people including non-Muslims. Comparatively, In fact such proposed requirements as in the age of Umar bin Abdul Aziz have not been adequately satisfied in Indonesia. Therefore, focusing on poverty eradication in the government is a mandatory requirement of UAA indicator.


Well-being, Islam, Umar, Indonesia, happiness

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