Universitas Indonesia Conferences, Asia Pacific Business and Economics Conference

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Dyah Vita Astriana, Desi Adhariani

Last modified: 2017-12-22


The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the anti-fraud strategy and to find out the level of fraud awareness of the employees in PT XYZ, one of the self-regulatory organization in Indonesia. The focus of this study is the implementation of fraud prevention, detection, and response in the company, and analyzing employees’ perceptions on the motivating factors of fraud and implementation of anti-fraud strategy in PT XYZ as part of fraud awareness topic. Findings show that PT XYZ has been implementing the anti-fraud strategy effectively due to the implementation of organizational value and culture in every aspect, as well as the implementation of internal control and good corporate governance practices. Besides that, the implementation of anti-fraud strategy in PT XYZ is executed as an effort to implement good corporate governance. These findings suggested that the company has been operating as predicted by the stewardship theory for the aspect of fraud awareness. However, the method of fraud training in PT XYZ is more focused on the implementation of good corporate governance instead of on explicitly delivering the definition of fraud and ways to control it. Besides that, a method of socialization of organizational value, code of conduct, corporate governance, and regulations have been shifted from conventional socialization method to digital access through Human Capital Information System by the employees themselves.


Keywords: fraud, prevention, detection, response, fraud awareness

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